Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hide and Seek

So I decided a couple days ago to keep my camera ready to go on my desk should anything fun and interesting come quickly along that I want to be sure I capture. Well, since we don't have children yet, this usually involves my dogs. Most of time when things happen, I don't have my camera ready, so this should solve that!

Well, Ace and Summer are very spoiled by their dad by both of us. This often includes getting giant bones and raw hides from the pet store. If you wondered whether or not they miss them when they're gone, ask Ace. The second Sean gets home, he goes straight to the cabinet where we keep the treats out of reach. It usually goes like this... *whining* "Ace no" *more whining*, "Ace not now"... eye contact.... *sits down with smug look on face saying- I know they're in there* Sometime I ignore him, sometimes Sean we cave and give them their bones. Both take them and try to get as far away from the other. Summer is a little more food dominant, and doesn't like when Ace gets near her with her bone. On the other hand, Ace is the least food dominant dog I know and will let Summer stare him down. he'll move because he hears something and she'll promptly jump at the chance to steal his bone and hoard it in her spot.

Today, I think Ace had enough and was searching for a spot to hide while eating, without the threat of our little sneaky one. Today, as I sit at my desk, I've realized he's set up camp in my office behind the papizan chair.

Still keeping a watchful eye of course

Later when he decided he was done with the bone, he decided to find  a new hiding spot.

How bout in their play tunnel?...
decided against that fast.... can you see the look of contemplation on his face?

The final resting place? Well, I'd tell you then I'd have to kill you, he decided that under my desk by my feet would be the best bet. With mama guarding, Summer won't steal it there!

1 comment:

  1. Your pup is so cute! We spoil ours too :)
