Source: Pinterest
- Make your bed every morning- this goes back to being a kid and having my mom tell me to make my bed. I get it now, having a bed that's made in the morning just makes your room look better and more appealing, not to mention its much nicer going into a made bed when it's time to go to sleep.
- Always get up when your alarm goes off (do not hit the snooze button!). This is going to be extremely hard for me. I love my snooze button. The thing is though, is laying there through hitting the snooze button 2 or 3 times, doesn't really give me more sleep! It goes off again in 10 minutes, so I'm up, what's the point? Ask me tomorrow how this goes, I have a feeling I'm going to have a long struggle with this one.
- Work out in the morning- this is going to be hard for me too. Ever since hours and hours of dance after school, I've found it easier to work out in the afternoon. Here's the problem- when you are an adult and have a job and other things to do, it's hard to get motivated to go to the gym later, when all you want to do is veg on the couch after a long day. I'm going to try to do it in the morning, before I get ready, so that I have no excuses....we'll see how this goes.
- Actually get ready for the day- the thing about working from home is that it's easy to stay in your pj's till noon, or all day! I find though, that not only do I stay in my pj's, but it actually makes me sleepy all day. Get up Amber, and get dressed! I don't need to get fancy, but actually getting ready makes me not only presentable should someone knock at the door, but I actually feel ready- ready to work, ready to get things done!
- Always floss- I don't floss everyday, I'm not going to lie. So I am going to try to floss every day (perhaps my appointment reminder for the dentist that came last week is responsible for this one).
- Always use a coaster- no one like rings on their furniture
- Put the laundry away- I'm guilty of piling the clean folded laundry in our room, or out of site in the guest room, to the point that's ridiculous. If I put it away right after I fold it, it will take me less time then trying to put multiple piles away at the same time, not to mention makes my house look clean, and not like a slob lives there.
- On that note- put everything away when you're done with it! No just setting it on the counter, leaving it on the table/chair, or leaving on the floor- put.... it.... away. Again, it saves time in the end, and makes my house look nice!
- Drink more water- good for your health and good for your skin....done.
- Hand-write thank you notes, and send a note to say hi every once in a while. I don't know anyone that doesn't like receiving a letter in the mail box. It's thoughtful, and shows that you care enough to spend a little extra time, and a few cents on the postage.
What are some good life rules that either you practice now, or could resolve to do now?
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